Snowy and Tawny Owl
Welcome to Snowy Owl and Tawny Owl classes
We are two classes of Reception age children and this is our first year at school. We are split into two class bases but do lots of activities together. This year there are 11 children in each class and we are supported by two teachers and eight teaching assistants.
We have lots of fun exploring many different activities like water play, messy play, Write Dance, cooking, soft play and singing songs and rhymes. We like to explore the outdoor area and use the different equipment like the balance beam, slide, bikes and ride on cars. We are always very busy!
We are learning to play together and interact with different people around us. We join in with clubs on a Friday afternoon with children in KS1 and take part in special celebrations like Harvest and the Christmas Nativity.
We like to go out on the school bus to do things like shopping to buy food for snack and cooking and also sometimes on special trips, linked to what we are learning.
Each Friday we take home our photo diary to share with our families what we have been having fun doing during the week.