Online Safety

Online Safety (E-safety) is an important part of child protection and safeguarding. Because of the needs of the pupils who attend Five Acre Wood School, teachers work with pupils on an individual basis to develop their understanding of how to keep themselves safe whilst online.

Should you have concerns about your son/daughter and what they are accessing online please do not hesitate to contact Sarah Costain, who is our appointed e-safety leader.

To view our online safety newsletters, please see below:

Resources and guidance for keeping children safe online

For advice regarding protecting your children online please follow this link to the Think U Know website.

For advice and guidance about keeping young people safe online please follow this link to the Parents Protect website.

For information and advice to help keep children safe online please follow this link to the Internet Matters website.

For information about staying safe online for parents and carers, please click here.

For guidance and support regarding youth produced sexual imagery please click here.

For resources to help parents regularly discuss online safety with their children please click here.

To view our Staff Acceptable Use Policy please click here.

To view our Parents/Carers Acceptable Use Policy please click here.

To view our Visitor/Volunteer Acceptable Use Policy please click here.

To view our Wi-fi Acceptable Use Policy please click here.

To view our Staff Social Networking Acceptable Use Policy please click here.

To report online abuse or concerns, follow this link to report on CEOP who work with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify threats to children and coordinate activity against these threats to bring offenders to account.  Additional websites that you may also find helpful are:

Internet Watch Foundation

National Online Safety


Safer Internet


The Click CEOP button (pictured below) is an asset of the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command. It also provides access to an online mechanism for reporting known or suspected child sexual exploitation or child sexual abuse directly to CEOP.


Has something happened online that has made you feel worried or unsafe?

Make a report to one of CEOP’s Child Protection Advisors.