IQM Flagship School

We are delighted to announce that following our fourth Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM) assessment as a Centre of Excellence, we continue to hold Flagship School status!

The Inclusion Quality Mark is a nationally accredited award which recognises the exceptional inclusion arrangements that Five Acre Wood has in place. It bases its framework around three core areas; the individual pupil, the family and community and the staff. It focuses on educational inclusion, which is about equal opportunities for all pupils and ensuring that the learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of every young person matters.

The letter we received stated ‘I was very impressed by all aspects of the review and I am completely confident that the school has the drive, management and expertise to maintain and develop inclusion activities whilst undertaking the challenges of the research within the Flagship programme’ and was signed by Joe McCann, Director of Inclusion Quality Mark (UK) Ltd.

This is a fantastic achievement and I would like to thank the Senior Leadership Team for the hard work they put in to prepare for the assessment.

To read our latest story on the IQM website please click here