This term After School Clubs will run from 13th January 2024 to 7th February 2025. The clubs on offer this term are:


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Soft Gym – EYFS and Primary

Children can get active and practise their running, climbing and balancing skills in our soft play rooms.

Soft Gym – EYFS and Primary

Children can get active and practise their running, climbing and balancing skills in our soft play rooms.



Music and Dance – All

This club offers the chance to enjoy music and learn some dance routines. It will be accessible for ALL PUPILS and will be adapted for ALL ABILITIES. As well as dancing, pupils will have access to different props such as ribbons, pom poms, parachutes and sensory lights toys.

Get Active – All

A multi-sport club practising our running, climbing, balancing, and ball skills. In this club, we aim to get active whilst having fun.



Small World – All

A chance to make friends and have fund while playing with a range of small world toys, role-play, and trains.

Multisensory Massage – All

A chance to enjoy a massage in a relaxing and multisensory way, incorporating different sensory objects, smells, and music. This is the perfect club for our more sensory youngsters to enjoy meeting new people in a calm, fun, and relaxing environment.



Fun Club – All

Sensory toys, Duplo, Board games, Cars, Trains, Puzzles, Playdough…this club has it all. A chance to make friends and have fun.



All clubs will be located at school and include a drink and a snack.  All clubs begin at 3.30pm and finish at 4.25pm.  Please ensure you are here to pick up your child promptly outside Reception.

As we are sure you appreciate, in order to make the clubs viable to run, there has to be a minimum number of pupils attending each club. If there is insufficient take up, then some clubs may unfortunately be unable to go ahead.  Equally, the size of all clubs have been ‘capped’ at specific numbers, to ensure that they are manageable and safe to run.  Places will therefore be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Please note that any pupil working within the EYFS learning approach will be limited to a maximum of two clubs a week, so that they do not become too overwhelmed with longer days.

After School Clubs cost £5 per session and the entire term will need to be paid for in full before the 1st session. This payment will act as a contribution towards the costs of delivering the club, refreshments and resources. This term there will be 4 weeks of clubs so the entire payment due is £20 per club that your child attends. This payment will be non-refundable, whether or not your child attends every session in the term.  This is because the staffing will already have been allocated for each club and costs will need to be covered.

We are pleased to announce that this year we are able to offer a 50% subsidy for pupils who are entitled to Pupil Premium. For these pupils, parents will pay £2.50 per club and Pupil Premium will cover the remaining £2.50. When you sign your young person up on Arbor you will automatically be showed the correct price for your child.

After School Clubs are offered via the Arbor Portal. On there you will be able to read some information about each club, sign up your child/young person and pay. Sign up will be open from 9am on 10th January 2025 and will close at 4pm on 12th January 2025 – no applications will be able to be taken after this date.

If a club has to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, then we will endeavour to provide parents / carers with as much notice as possible.  On the rare occasion this happens you will be refunded.