Author Five Acre Wood

IQM Flagship School

We are delighted to announce that following our fourth Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM) assessment as a Centre of Excellence, we continue to hold Flagship School status! The Inclusion Quality Mark is a nationally accredited award which recognises the exceptional inclusion arrangements that Five Acre Wood has in place. It bases its framework around three core …

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Upcoming events

The parent group met recently and set provisional dates for the following events: Tuesday 27th Feb 2018 – Coffee morning/ school uniform shop Wednesday 25th April 2018 – Coffee morning/ school uniform shop/Parent group Saturday 5th May 2018 – Family picnic 12-2pm Thursday 14th June 2018 – Coffee morning/ school uniform shop Friday 15th June …

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Winter newsletter 2017

Welcome to the Five Acre Wood School bi-termly newsletter. Each newsletter will bring you the latest updates and information of what has been taking place in school and informing you of the many exciting upcoming events and important dates for your diary. In this months newsletter you can read about many exciting events such as … Harvest Festival Panathlon Music …

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