Author Five Acre Wood

County Indoor Rowing superstars!

On Thursday, Holmesdale pupils took part in a county final for Indoor Rowing at Medway Park. We did really well and came third overall in the whole county.  Our four rowers were amazing and represented the school really well. Well done to Mark, Georgia, Frankie and Oliver!

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Enter a Virtual Race for Five Acre Wood!

We have proudly teamed up with Virtual Runner UK, the UK’s leading virtual race organiser.  They have offered to donate £1 from each entry to their ‘BBTB SRC Active’ challenge to Friends of Five Acre Wood School. The concept of a Virtual Race is a relatively new one where you sign up to a race …

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New Build time line

  Tuesday 18th April 2017 We’ve moved in!!! The children have had great fun today exploring their new classrooms and school environment. There is still a lot of work to do to complete the project and have the school to ourselves again, but we finally have a light at the end of the tunnel!  We …

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Our inspirational marathoner

We were so lucky that one of our supporters, Louise, ran the Virgin Money London Marathon for us in 2017.  Louise used to work for us so she has seen first-hand how amazing our students are and how much they benefit from our fundraising efforts. The fact that she ran a marathon for us is incredible …

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