Author Five Acre Wood

New Variety sunshine coach

We are delighted that Variety, the Children’s Charity, have decided to continue their support of our students here at Five Acre Wood School by donating another bespoke Sunshine Coach to us. The specially designed vehicle, which has been sponsored by S.C. Farley Electrical Ltd., a local Maidstone company, will be used to transport the children on …

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Greggs bring Christmas to Five Acre Wood

Students and staff at Five Acre Wood were thrilled today to receive a Christmas visit from our friends at Greggs. Bringing a freshly baked festive mince pie for every student and member of staff, they visited all classes at our main Loose site. As always, it was an absolute pleasure to see them and we …

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Pupils visit new build

On 9th November some of our pupils were lucky enough to walk round the new build. This was very exciting for pupils to see their new school taking shape! We will be offering more pupils the opportunity to put on their hard hats and high vis jackets to visit the new build in the future.  

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Five Acre Wood becomes a Foundation School

At a meeting of the school Governing Body held on 18th July 2016 it was decided to: •change Five Acre Wood School category from Community to Foundation; •join other Kent Special Schools in a shared charitable co-operative Trust named The Kent Special Educational Needs Trust (KSENT), with effect from August 1st 2016 •work with KSENT …

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