Author Five Acre Wood

New sensory music area

Our new outdoor sensory music area was installed over the Easter break. Thanks to a £9,788 grant from The St. James’s Place Foundation, our students can now experiment with a variety of musical instruments and explore the different textures of the sensory spheres.  The area also benefits from play turf surfacing so that it can …

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New Hall

We were really pleased to be able to use the new hall for our Easter Fair on Wednesday.  Visitors were very impressed with the size and look of the new facility.  For those of you who did not manage to come on Wednesday, here are some photos of our new hall! We also have a school kitchen …

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Sports Relief Mile

Today our primary school pupils took part in the Sports Relief Mile to help to raise funds for Sports Relief. Dressed as superheroes, our enthusiastic pupils took on the mile long course by completing laps of the school field in any way that they could.  We are very proud of everyone’s efforts today.  

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Football team news

A big well done to all our football stars today in Primary and Secondary! The Primary team had great fun and showed great sportsmanship with a well deserved result winning 4-0! Well done to the Goal Keeper who was amazing and showed no fear! She also played her Primary game and made some fantastic saves. …

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