Author Five Acre Wood

New toilets and hygiene suites

The toilets and hygiene suites were finished during half term. The toilets were old fashioned, with low level doors and curtained changing areas (see above).  The toilets are now separate from the hygiene suites and are totally fit for purpose (see below). The hygiene suites were curtained areas, with limited privacy.  Some within the toilets …

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New Build October update

Refurbishment The new hall now has a steel frame and walls!  The floor was cemented and the roof will be added soon! The new reception area is also progressing well.  The shape and size are very clear. New Build The start date has been delayed slightly and is now due to commence at the end …

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Harvest Festival

This year’s Harvest Festival performance was held on Wednesday 30th September at The Vine Church. Pupils performed in their class groups, dancing, singing and signing to songs. A generous amount of food donations were brought along and donated to the church by the pupils. Parents and carers were also invited along to attend the performance, which …

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