Author Five Acre Wood

Building Works

The building works at Five Acre Wood have finally started! The last day of term saw two big red containers/offices arrive on site to become the base for Abbotts, the building company working on the refurbishment.  The holidays then started with Byfords arriving on site to start work on the roof as well! The school …

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Summer Fayre 2015

Our Summer Fayre this year was a complete success.    Taking place on Saturday 18th July, it was attended by about 400 people.  Not only was it better supported than ever before, but the sun even graced us with it’s presence for the day!  Visitors to the Fayre were treated to live music from local …

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School uniform

We are really excited to let you know that we have now officially launched our new school uniform!  This has been developed in partnership with leading uniform supplier ‘Recognition Express’ who we have worked with very successfully on a number of projects over the last few years.  It follows an extensive period of consultation with, …

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Five Acre Wood had a wonderful opportunity to take two small groups of pupils gliding at the Kent Gliding Association headquarters in Challock.  The activities were kindly funded by High Flight, a British Airways backed charity in Kent. Pupils had the opportunity of two flights. One flight was an aero tow, a plane tows the glider …

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