FAWbulous Projects
We’re full steam ahead and thrilled to announce that our innovative train café, the FAWrient Express, is now open and ready to welcome you aboard! Come and stop by for coffee, or just to enjoy the atmosphere of our retro-inspired café in a former train carriage. Set right on the school grounds, our café isn’t …
Yesterday, on International Coffee Day, we hosted a special event to extend our thanks to all the incredible individuals and companies involved who have helped to bring the FAWrient Express, our unique train carriage cafe, to life. The former train buffet carriage has been transformed into a functioning café thanks to backing from several businesses …
Instead of providing our new School Counsellor Jagdip with a regular office, it seems to be becoming customary to think outside the box and provide FAW-inspiring spaces for our pupils and staff. So, where better to create a safe and confidential counselling space than in a lifeboat, known for their sturdiness and duty of looking …
Not wanting to miss out on boarding a plane this half term like those lucky few who are off on their holidays, yesterday, we had our very own plane land on the school field at the Loose site. While the plane, a retired Airbus 319 fuselage, may now be firmly on the ground having reached …