
Sandy and Snowy

Sandy and Snowy are our newly named school puppies. They will grow up to be therapy dogs for all the pupils and staff in the school. Carefully chosen for their temperament and suitability for school life, Sandy and Snowy have reduced or non-moulting coats, which means that they are ideal for those with allergies.  Snowy …

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Toad on the Road Production at Five Acre Wood School

Head2Head Theatre will be visiting our school during the Summer Holidays on Wednesday 31st July and Thursday 1st August with their latest production, Toad on The Road. Sensory fun, an interactive performance and lots of holiday fun for the whole family. For more information and bookings please contact Anni –, 01372-278021 or check out …

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SCERTS – Parents’ session

On Wednesday 13th March 2019 from 6pm-8pm there will be a SCERTS for parents session held at Five Acre Wood School. The session will be led by international expert Emily Rubin who is coming from America to deliver this training. Emily specialises in Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome and related social learning disabilities and she lectures internationally. …

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