
Five Acre Wood becomes a Foundation School

At a meeting of the school Governing Body held on 18th July 2016 it was decided to: •change Five Acre Wood School category from Community to Foundation; •join other Kent Special Schools in a shared charitable co-operative Trust named The Kent Special Educational Needs Trust (KSENT), with effect from August 1st 2016 •work with KSENT …

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Family picnic

We held a picnic on Saturday the 10th September 2016 for families of the children in our Primary Department. Although the take up was not high those families that came had a lovely time and the rain that was forecast managed to hold off! The children had the use of the play equipment and families …

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Skydivers smash fundraising target!

Such is the dedication of our staff to Five Acre Wood students, that they have begun throwing themselves out of planes in order to fundraise for them! Two very brave staff members, Gemma Meades and Kerry Stringer, decided to undertake a sponsored skydive at Headcorn Aerodrome at the start of the summer.  Their tireless fundraising …

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