
Five Acre Wood Art Exhibition

We are very proud that some of our students currently have their artwork on display at Maidstone Museum’s Cafe Gallery. This exhibition celebrates the unique talents of our students and is on until the 18th June. Entry to the Cafe Gallery is free for anyone wishing to visit.

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The new adventure trail is here!

Students were delighted to return from their Easter break to find that a new adventure trail had been installed on the field. We are so pleased to have been able to enhance our play provision for our students in this way.  We would like to thank our funders who have made this possible –  £5,000 …

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Charity open fun day

On Monday 25th May (bank holiday) there will be a fun day at Squirrels Riding School, where Five Acre Wood School have been nominated as one of their charities. It should be a great day and the signing choir will be performing so please come along! Please click here for more information.  

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