
Results are in!

Thank you so much to everyone who voted for us in the Lloyds Bank Community Fund public vote.  We are delighted to be able to announce that we won! We will shortly be awarded £3,000 which will go towards our exciting new play area for our students. Thank you again to everyone who supported us. …

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Five Acre Wood Newsletter – Summer 2014

Welcome to the Five Acre Wood School bi-termly newsletter. Each newsletter will bring you the latest updates and information of what has been taking place in school and informing you of the many exciting upcoming events and important dates for your diary. In this months newsletter you can read about many exciting events such as … Class updates Sports day …

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Fun at the Late Summer Fair

Our Late Summer Fair was held on Saturday 20th September and was a great success with in excess of 200 families attending and having a great time. We raised £1,200, a figure that we hope to hope to improve on next year by urging as many people as possible to get involved so that we …

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