Lloyds Bank volunteers create our new herb garden

Volunteers from Lloyds Bank have created a wonderful new herb garden for the students at Five Acre Wood school.  Thanks to their Day To Make A Difference scheme, two teams of volunteers have been able to spend a whole day each transforming a bare space into a beautiful learning environment for our students.

We are so grateful to the Lloyds volunteers for their continued support of our school and our students.  They will be returning over the coming weeks to paint the edgings and to plant up all of the sensory plants and herbs.  Staff at Lloyd’s City office have been holding fundraising events in order to raise the money to provide the materials and plants to make this garden and we are exceptionally grateful to them for this.

Groups of students have been visiting the project while it was being created and they have loved getting involved and asking lots of questions!  They are looking forward to welcoming the team back to our school when they return.