April New Build Update

It was a real shock when we returned from the Easter holidays – the farm had gone and the new car park was nearly complete!
The car park is due to be ready to use on Monday 25th April. This means that there will be a change to the arrival and departure routines; to see a plan of the new car park please click here.
We will also be having gates at the entrance to the car park and by the Mangravet gate. This means that our school site will be secure, and the general public will be unable to walk through. For those of you who use the Mangravet gate, it will be opened at the beginning and end of the school day.
Once the car park is finished, the build will be started. The wooden structure is being delivered in June and, I am reliably informed, by the time we return in September, the roof will be in place! We will also have our Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) for the start of the new academic year. We have had lots of meetings discussing areas such as security, fence heights and more interestingly, colour schemes!