Our Vision

The Governing Body supports the vision of Five Acre Wood by ensuring that the school provides a safe, caring and stimulating learning environment where every pupil can realise his or her full potential.

Our responsibilities and how we are organised

In all schools the day to day management of the school is the Principal’s responsibility but the governing body has a general responsibility for the conduct of the school along with 3 statutory responsibilities:

• Setting the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction;
• Holding the Principal to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and
• Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

The Governing Body has considerable discretion as to how to discharge its responsibilities and at Five Acre Wood School we have chosen to work in the Circle model, which means that all governors attend a termly Full Governing Body meeting to receive and discuss reports and ask questions of the Principal, senior staff and fellow governors. Minutes of these meetings, minus any confidential discussions, are available for parents and other stakeholders to read – please ask at the school office and the clerk to governors will arrange for you to receive these. Governors also visit the school regularly and attend events so that they know the school well and can monitor progress against the improvement objectives set out in the School Development Plan.

Our Governors

All governors are volunteers who are appointed or elected to represent all stakeholder groups at the school. Co-opted governors are appointed specifically because of the skills and experience they bring to help support and challenge the school, and Foundation governors are appointed to maintain links with Kent Special Education Needs Trust (KSENT), the foundation to which we belong.

We all share a keen interest in the progress and wellbeing of the children at the school and an enthusiasm to help achieve the school’s Vision.

To find out more about us click here.

School Governor Vacancies

Current vacancies:

There are currently no vacancies.

(Applications for vacancies should be sent to the Clerk to Governors: clerk@five-acre.kent.sch.uk)