Pop star donates profits from new single to Five Acre Wood School!

We are very excited that one of our Woodstock singers, Chantelle Lee, has decided that she would like to become more involved with supporting our students.  She has visited our school and met lots of our students and has incredibly generously offered to donate all proceeds of her new single to the school.

This single is called ‘When I Think Of You’ and it has been released this week.

These proceeds will be used to help us resource our new specialist music classroom as well as to transform our new school hall into a fully functional performing arts venue, complete with PA, lighting and accessible stage solutions.

Her single is now available to buy on iTunes and Amazon at a cost of just £0.79

For anyone wishing to purchase the single, here are the links –




Chantelle has also now kindly agreed to be our Charity Patron.

Thank you Chantelle!