Sandy and Snowy

Sandy and Snowy are our newly named school puppies. They will grow up to be therapy dogs for all the pupils and staff in the school. Carefully chosen for their temperament and suitability for school life, Sandy and Snowy have reduced or non-moulting coats, which means that they are ideal for those with allergies.  Snowy is a Cavapoo and Sandy is a miniature Labradoodle.  Both dogs will be trained from puppies and will be fully insured for their working life at Five Acre Wood.

Why did we get Snowy and Sandy?

Dogs can really help with well being.  Our children can often relate to animals when they are anxious and sad, in a way they may find hard with humans.  We have already seen some fantastic interactions between the puppies and our pupils.

Snowy and Sandy have even become TV stars.  KMTV visited Five Acre Wood for the school council meeting to name the puppies.  To see the film please click here