School uniform
We are really excited to let you know that we have now officially launched our new school uniform! This has been developed in partnership with leading uniform supplier ‘Recognition Express’ who we have worked with very successfully on a number of projects over the last few years. It follows an extensive period of consultation with, for example, the Family Council.
As you’ll see, it is adorned with our school logo and we therefore hope to see as many pupils as possible ‘sporting’ this official uniform in the new academic year, as a means of continuing to strengthen their sense of Five Acre Wood School identity. In due course we anticipate replacing the existing website photos with images of our pupils modelling the uniform – so watch this space in that respect! We will also have some mannequins in the main reception area kitted out in the uniform, so don’t be surprised by them when you next come into school!
In order to ensure that parents receive any uniform that they have ordered prior to the start of the new term, Recognition Express have kindly agreed to come into school on Thursday 27th August from 9am-12pm, for parents to be able to collect it. If you choose to do so, please be mindful of the fact that we will have a lot of building work / refurbishment going on at the time – Recognition Express will therefore either be set up in the car park or main reception area. If you are on holiday at this point please liaise with Recognition Express via email in order to agree upon an alternative arrangement.
To view and order uniform from the online shop, please visit