
We know that when schools and families work closely together, children have better outcomes.
We have some really exciting changes that we are making to the way that FAWS are working with families so that we’re all more connected and better informed.
There are 4 big questions that we want to ask you:-

How can we explain your child’s targets more clearly, so you can join in and begin to see the benefits at home?
Would you attend a workshop run by another parent?! If so, what should that workshop be like?
What’s the best way to show you how we blend our different therapies into one classroom approach?
#ThePowerOfUs Do you know all of the ways that you can get involved at school ?

We are running an event for YOU on Friday 14th February from 9.30 –11.30am so you can help us make decisions about how we work. This isn’t us standing talking AT you, this is a really exciting and interactive morning where you will change the way that the school works with you.
We want to hear your ideas so that we can make changes that make sense

Please RSVP to Alex on ameaders@five-acre.kent.sch.uk
Friday 14 February, 2020 9.30 –11.30am BoughtonLane