Training Opportunities
The Maidstone STLS Team work closely with the Tonbridge & Malling and Tunbridge Wells STLS Team to provide integrated training opportunities for schools within the ‘area’. In doing so the service provides a comprehensive training programme which is jointly reviewed on a yearly basis according to the needs within the three districts.
The range of support offered by the STLS & Outreach Team includes:
• Individual school support for an identified pupil or groups of pupils
• Multi-agency working to support children and their families
• Training for groups of schools
• Bespoke training
Training Opportunities for 2024 /2025
Maidstone district work as an area with our STLS colleagues in Tonbridge & Malling & Tunbridge Wells STLS Teams to offer training that all schools & settings in each area can access. To see what training is being offered please clink on the link below. This is updated on a regular basis so please check this prior to booking.
When booking training please make sure your booking request is sent to the correct administrator – this is shown on the schedule of training
Flyers for available training will be circulated via email a term in advance to schools and copies will be added below.
STLS West Area – Schedule of Training 2024-2025
Maidstone YrR Training – Supporting Children with SEN through-out YrR
Maidstone STLS offer a bespoke package of YrR training sessions across the year July – April. This is an opportunity for YrR staff (EY Leaders, Teachers, SENCo’s & TA’s) to access training, network sessions and surgery times with our EY Specialist Teachers. This is in response to the on-going and changing needs of the 2024-2025 YrR cohort.
YrR Training Package of Support 2024-2025 (Flyer)
To book onto the YrR Training please follow this link: Booking Form
Hit the Ground Running
We have devised a series of practical workshops, using a more personalised approach, for staff delivering SEN interventions to individuals or small groups of children/young people. Each session is designed to give you the skills and knowledge to deliver the intervention confidently and, where appropriate, the time, resources and materials you need, so you can “hit the ground running” with your intervention the very next day.
Hit The Ground Running 2024-2025 (Flyer)
To book Hit the Ground Running training please follow this link: Booking Form
Training Opportunities in Term 3
Autism and Girls Primary 23.01.25
De-escalation training 06.02.25
Schools SENCo Forums 2024 / 2025
Dates for the Schools SEN forums are below, details and the booking form will be confirmed nearer the time.
5th March 25 – 9.30am – 12.30pm – Marden Cricket & Hockey Club
11th June 25 – 9.30am – 12.30pm – Marden Cricket & Hockey Club
Early Years Training
EY SENCo Forums – 2024/2025
We hold our EY SENCo forums once a term each term we cover a different topic (see flyer below for details). All EY SENCo forums are virtual via TEAMs and there is no need to book. Invites to join will be sent to ALL settings on the morning of the forum.
EY Workshops – 2024/2025
Maidstone EY Team offer a series of short / informative workshops to help support staff working in EY Settings or schools staff working in EYFS. Details of each workshop are outlined on the flyer below:
To book please follow this link: Booking Form
EY Interactive Intervention & Visuals Workshops 2024 / 2025
These workshops are aimed at staff in EY Settings, Yr R & Yr1 staff.
Interactive Intervention Workshop – 23/01/2025
This workshop gives delegates the opportunity to find out about and practise some of the common strategies and interventions STLS often recommend. Interactive Intervention Flyer
Interactive Visuals Workshop – 04/03/25
STLS are often told that certain visual supports “don’t work”. This workshop intends to unpick common issues with these strategies and help delegates use them more effectively. Interactive Visuals Workshop Flyer
To book please follow this link: Booking Form
Bespoke Training
Maidstone STLS team offer bespoke training which can be carried out within your School / Setting. We don’t have a set list of training we offer but if there is something – please complete the top section of the bespoke training request form (below) outlining the training you would like us to deliver & your preferred dates. Costings for this training are on the back of the booking form. Once completed send to
To Book Training held at Long Mead Primary – Tonbridge
Emma Holt – STLS Executive Administrator
Tel : 07950 580189
To Book Training held at Broomhill Bank School – Tunbridge Wells
Julie Goodfellow – Business Support Officer
Tel : 01892 502466