Five Acre Wood School has been judged as ‘Outstanding’ in its recent Ofsted inspection.
The inspection report, which has now been published, praises the school’s ‘outstanding academic and personal outcomes for pupils’ and a Principal and Governors who ‘believe that nothing but the best will do’.
Teaching was judged to be ’typically outstanding across the school’, stating that pupils ‘are so well behaved because teaching makes learning enjoyable’.
The report highlights that ‘The school very effectively tailors the range of learning activities that it offers pupils in each phase in order to meet their quite specific needs’ and that ‘Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes are excellent’.
Peggy said ‘I am delighted that the hard work and dedication that is consistently demonstrated by all of the staff, governors, parents and pupils has been verified by Ofsted. As a school, we remain determined to continue to provide the highest quality provision to meet the needs of our amazing pupils.’
One of our parents wrote
‘We just wanted to drop you a short note to congratulate you and the whole team on the fantastic report from Ofsted. From our point of view the result wasn’t really a surprise, more a validation of our own views (and our daughter’s). She loves going to school, and the progress she has made in the last 20 months has been far beyond anything that we dared to imagine; her speech, eye-contact temperament and concentration etc etc – all brilliant, it has made such a difference to her and to the whole family.
It is lovely that Ofsted have been able to see what an outstanding school Five Acre Wood is, but seeing our daughter so eager to go to school and so happy coming back proves to us that you are doing so much more than just “ticking the Ofsted boxes”. We already shout Five Acre’s praises from the rooftops; the ambition for the children, the child-first approach, the innovation, the constant drive for excellence, the infectious enthusiasm (I could go on – and regularly do!).
On behalf of all of us (but particularly our daughter), thank you for all you have done, we would be most grateful if you could pass-on our thanks and congratulations to your team.’
The school achieved ‘Outstanding’ ratings in all six categories of Leadership and management, Behaviour and safety of pupils, Quality of teaching, Achievement of pupils, Early years provision and Sixth form provision.
Pupils and staff from all three sites gathered together on the field to celebrate our success. We released 400 balloons, which represented the pupils and the staff.
Congratulations to all involved!